Since 2011, the Research SIG has offered different scholarships for its members to attend diverse academic events in the U. K. and across the world. Here we show the complete list of the IATEFL Re-SIG scholarship recipients.
ReSIG PCE-IATEFL Conference 2024
Oriana Oñate has been a teacher of English as a foreign language for 40 years. She taught primary and secondary pupils, either at urban and rural school, as well as adults. She has worked for Universidad de La Frontera (UFRO), in the South of Chile, in the area of English for specific purposes for the last 32 years. She completed her MA studies in Higher Education in 2010. In 2011, the UFRO authorities assigned her the challenge of reopening the English Teacher Education Program at UFRO. As the Head of the Program, she attended the IATEFL conference in 2013 for the first time. She joined REsig in 2014 and presented “Attributions to Success and Failure in Learning English at the Universidad de la Frontera, Temuco, Chile”, which was included in the ebook Teachers Research! edited by Bullock, D. and Smith, R. in 2015. Her research focuses on Chileans’ difficulties to learn English. |
ReSIG PCE-IATEFL Conference 2023
Meifang Zhuo, a PhD candidate in Applied Linguistics and ELT at University of Warwick, is a self- motivated and passionate teacher educator and teacher- research mentor. She holds a master’s degree in TESOL(Distinction) from University of Warwick and Master of Translation and Interpreting (Distinction) from China. Originally from China, she is a prize-winning English public speaker and experienced ELT teacher, with expertise across different educational stages in both China and UK. Currently, she is conducting a teacher- research project with a group of experienced ELT teachers in China, supporting them to explore their own classrooms with research and bringing them to the international community to share their research, for the purpose of their professional development as well as the quality of life in the classroom. She is endeavouring to act for a positive change to social life in the language classroom for both teachers and students and promote teacher well-being. Her research interests include teacher research for professional development, exploratory research, action research and teacher psychology. |
ELT in the Global South Conference 2022 Scholarships
List of scholarship recipients sponsored by IATEFL ReSIG to attend the conference on ELT in the Global South at ENS Yaounde on May 25, 2022.
ReSIG PCE-IATEFL Conference 2022 International Scholarship
Lone Bendixen Goulani is a lecturer at the University of Kurdistan Hewler in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq. She holds a Postgraduate Certificate in Teaching English for Academic Purposes from the University of Leicester, UK. She also has an MA in Modern Culture and Cultural Dissemination and a BA in Comparative Literature and Religion from the University of Copenhagen, Denmark. Lone’s interests include English for academic purposes, peace education, resilience, creative writing and multilingualism. She is the author of several books and multiple articles. |
ReSIG PCE-IATEFL Conference 2022 Global South Scholarship
I am Numa Subba currently working as a language teacher for four years now. I am a self-motivated individual with good communication and interpersonal skills with a broad spectrum of people. An effective decision maker with a systematic approach to problem-solving coupled with attention to detail. I believe in establishing positive relationships with students, parents and my co-workers. I grew up as an introvert. After a couple of years of effort, I learned social skills and started actively participating in communication and getting engaged in social work. I got myself into social activism in India whilst pursuing my Bachelor's degree. My voice and activism were for gender equality, injustices against minorities and marginalised communities. In the long run, I learned and unlearned many things and shaped myself into being a compassionate human. I am currently writing my thesis for my Master's Degree on the psychological impact on teenagers due to the existing Beauty Standard. I am passionate about learning and engaging myself in societal issues from a sociological perspective. I try teaching language through the problematization of social issues. I have completed my Bachelor's Degree in Sociology from North Bengal University, India. While, I am pursuing my Master's Degree in Trichandra College affiliated to Tribhuwan University, Kathmandu. I want to engage myself in research works and contribute to knowledge production in various social arenas including teaching methods. |
ReSIG PCE-IATEFL Conference 2022 Global South Scholarship
Samikshya Bidari, a Ph.D. scholar from Kathmandu University, is a self-motivated teacher-researcher with a rich multi-cultural and linguistic background. She holds a master's degree in TESOL from Soka University, Japan, and an MBA from Bangalore University, India. Originally from Nepal, she has also spent years in Japan teaching English to students of all ages. She has gained a wide range of practical pedagogical ideas to pack and bring to the schools in Nepal by training teachers mostly from rural Nepal. Her education philosophy is an enriched blend of humanistic education with linguistic education. She is endeavoring to act for a positive change to nurture students with knowledge, courage, and compassion. Her research interests include democratic citizenship, student participation, intercultural competence, and storytelling in EFL classrooms. |
ReSIG PCE-IATEFL Conference 2022 Global South Scholarship
Mariana Serra is an Argentinian teacher of English and a licentiate in English. She was one of the winners of Aptis for Teachers Action Research Awards (British Council) in 2015, 2016, and 2017. Mariana has participated as a moderator during Classroom-based Research Electronic Village Online (EVO) sessions since 2018 becoming a lead-moderator in 2020,2021 and 2022. For over ten years, she has worked in universities, tertiary level institutions and secondary schools teaching English as a foreign language, including as Head of Department coordinating and monitoring school teaching. She has attended Mentoring teacher-research EVO 2020 led by Richard Smith and Seden E. Tuyan and has been one of the mentors invited to participate in the Mentoring Teacher- research 2021 Support group. She was part of Dr. Richard Smith's team in 2020-2021. They developed the Enhancement mentoring for Teacher-Research approach. She co-founded the APIBA Teacher Research SIG in her country. Her interests are applied linguistics, teacher-research mentoring and materials development. Email: [email protected] |
ReSIG PCE-IATEFL Conference 2022 Global South Scholarship
Man Bahadur Jora is an assistant professor of English Education at Far Western University. Similarly, he is pursuing his PhD from Graduate School of Education, Tribhuvan University. To his credit, about two dozen articles have been published in different national and international journals. He has also edited journals and presented papers in various conferences and facilitated different training sessions in English Language teaching. What's more, his areas of interests include applied linguistics, classroom discourse, classroom management, classroom psychology, discourse analysis, English as Medium of Education (EMI), perceptual studies, research on SLA and English language curricula, teaching materials, learner differences, translation studies, teacher professional development, ICTs in language education, and cultural studies. |
ReSIG PCE-IATEFL Conference 2022 Global South Scholarship
Jani Reddy Pandiri is a faculty from a Govt. Teacher Training college Telangana state of India. He has completed 29 years of teaching experience. He started his career as a teacher at secondary school for 9 years then joined in pre-service teacher education institution. He holds a PhD in education from Osmania University Hyderabad. In addition to teaching, he also extending his services in the areas of research, training, material development and monitoring. During his career as a teacher educator, he has visited few hundreds of primary and secondary schools and interacted with number of teachers. As a coordinator he involved in preparation of English language school textbooks for Telangana state (classes I-10) and organized teacher training programs. In his opinion, the research activities in ELT have increased but the findings of those studies are not accessible to teaching community working at school level. He expects the universities should collaborate with local schoolteachers and address their academic challenges instead of looking at national and international bodies. He is a lifelong learner and wants to equip himself with new trends in teacher development to provide maximum support to his students. The demand for English Medium Education has been increasing in India and other developing countries. The teachers’ responsibilities have been increased as students from low socio-economic and multilingual background are entering into the fold of English education. He strongly believes in research-based practices would transform the classroom practices at school level. He is a lifelong learner and wants to equip himself with new trends in teacher development to provide maximum support to his students. |
PCE-IATEFL Virtual Conference, 2021
Maria Marta Mora is a graduate EFL teacher in secondary schools in Buenos Aires, Argentina, a founder and co-coordinator of the Teacher Research SIG in APIBA (Association of Teachers of English in Buenos Aires) and a member of IATEFL. She is also a Specialist in Education and ICT. She was a Fulbright scholar in UCLA with the Argentinian Ministry of Education in 2016. She has long experience teaching teenagers in state schools. She is passionate about exploratory action research and is currently doing Exploratory Action Research (EAR) in her lessons. |
PCE-IATEFL Conference, Manchester, U. K., 2020
Marisol Guzman Cova is a full-time lecturer at Benemerita Universidad Autonoma de Puebla (BUAP), Mexico. She has 20 years of experience at BUAP where she has worked as an English teacher, lecturer, and ELT programme coordinator. Currently, she is in the PhD distance education programme in ELT at the University of Southampton, UK. Her main research interests are teacher education, teacher autonomy, creativity, and the use of ICTs in languages teaching. |
MA TESOL Quick Fire Dissertation Presentation Event 2019
University of Warwick, Coventry, U. K. Meiyan Ren is an English teacher from China where she teaches students from pre-nursery to pre-elementary (5-year-olds) in public, private and international schools. Currently, she is studying a Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) MA program at the University of Leeds, in the U. K. Her dissertation research focuses on 'pupils' self-regulation strategies in vocabulary learning'. As for her academic plans, Meiyan is considering to study a PhD in the near future |
PCE-IATEFL Conference, Liverpool, U. K., 2019
Elis Kakoulli Constantinou is an English language instructor at the Cyprus University of Technology Language Centre. She holds a BA in English Language and Literature (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece) and an MA in Applied Linguistics (University of Essex, UK). She is currently a PhD candidate at the Cyprus University of Technology conducting action research in the area of ESP teacher education. She has taught English to learners of all ages, and since 2007 she teaches English for Academic Purposes (EAP) and English for Specific Academic Purposes (ESAP) at the Cyprus University of Technology Language Centre. Her research interests revolve around ESP, ESP teacher education, English language curriculum development, the latest developments in language teaching methods, and the integration of new technologies in language teaching. |
‘Teachers Research! Bogota 2018’
3rd Annual Latin American Confernce for Teacher-Research in ELT 6-7 December 2018, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Bogotá Patricia Carabelli is an English teacher (International House Montevideo), graduate in Education Sciences (Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación, Universidad de la República) and Master in Human Sciences (FHCE, UdelaR), who has recently finished a Master in English Language Teaching (Southampton University, UK) and who has been teaching English for twenty years at institutions such as Saint George’s School, University, and IH’s Teacher’s Training Course. |
‘Teachers Research! Conference, Istanbul, Turkey, 2018’
Mariana Serra is an Argentinian teacher and a licentiate in English. She holds a diploma in E-learning and distance learning and she is attending an MA Program. For professional development purposes, she has studied in the USA and Spain. She was one of the winners of Aptis for Teachers Action Research Awards (British Council) in 2015 and was selected again, for a different project, in 2016-2017. For over ten years she has worked in universities and secondary schools teaching English as a FL and she has worked as a Head of Department mentoring teachers for several years. Her interests are in Applied Linguistics and Materials Development. |
PCE-IATEFL Conference, Brighton, U. K., 2018
Ernesto Vargas Gil is a PhD researcher in the Centre for Applied Linguistics at the University of Warwick, U.K. He is an Associate Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (AFHEA). He is also a Cambridge Delta qualified teacher and as an EAP tutor has taught at different universities across the U. K. He has written extensively for various magazines and newspapers and has translated some books from English to Spanish. His main research area of interest is Language Teacher Education with a special focus on Teacher Autonomy |
‘Teachers Research!’ Conference, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 2017
Edith Luna Villanueva is an English Language Teacher and a Music Teacher. She holds a Master of Education degree (University of Bristol, UK). She is a Professor Adjunct at the English Department, University of Catamarca (UNCa), Argentina and General Coordinator of GRUVII, an Educational Volunteering Group. She has been an EFL teacher trainer for more than twenty years. She is currently the chief of the English Department at UNCa. She has published many papers in scientific journals in Argentina. |
‘Teachers Research!’ Conference, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 2017
María Vergara Aibar is an English Language Teacher and researcher with experience in all educational levels. María is a System Analyst. Holds a Master of Arts degree in Education and Professional Development (University of East Anglia, England). She has a Doctor’s Degree in Human Sciences (University of Catamarca). She specializes in ICT in Education and in Cultural Studies (UNCa). She has deliver courses on ICT, emotions in education, creativity, rural schools and educational research. She has published many articles in journals. |
‘Teachers Research!’ Conference, Istanbul, Turkey, 2017
Claudia Bustos-Moraga is a school teacher and teacher educator in Chile. She has been a mentor on the British Council / Ministry of Education Champion Teachers Action Research scheme for Chilean school teachers since its second cohort (2014) and senior mentor since its forth cohort up to date (2017). Currently, she is studying for a Master's degree at the University of Leeds. |
PCE-IATEFL Conference, Glasgow, U. K., 2017
Loreto Aliaga is a teacher of English from Chile. She holds a BA and MA in TEFL from Universidad Metropolitana de Ciencias de la Educación, Santiago, Chile. She is 4th PhD in Education student at the School of Education at the University of Leeds. Her research focuses of teacher educators’ cognitions in the context of pre-service TEFL curriculum innovation. Loreto is a founding member of RICELT, the first Chilean network of researchers in ELT. |
‘Teachers Research!’ Conference, Santiago, Chile 2016
Débora Izé Balsemão Oss holds a Doctoral Degree in Applied Linguistics and a Master's in Language Acquisition. She is an independent researcher and her main area of interest relates to Second Language Teacher Education. She is currently an English language teacher in the public sector in Brazil. She also has experience in working in academic settings. Débora is the winner of a ReSIG scholarship to attend the 'Teachers Research! Chile 2016: The First Annual Latin American Conference for Teacher-Research in ELT' conference on 19 March in Santiago, Chile. |
‘Teachers Research!’ Conference, Santiago, Chile 2016
Laura Marina Aza is a graduate teacher from I.S.P. Joaquín V. González and holds an M.A. in TESOL from Lancaster University. She has taught widely at university and teacher training college level in Argentina, including Belgrano University, Joaquín V. González and Cibadist, where she is the Head of the oral language area. She also teaches at secondary school level. Laura is the winner of a ReSIG scholarship to attend the 'Teachers Research! Chile 2016: The First Annual Latin American Conference for Teacher-Research in ELT' conference on 19 March in Santiago, Chile. |
'Doing Good Quality ELT Research' Workshop, Malta 2014
Aslı Lidice Göktürk Saglam, an English teacher in EAP settings for 15 years and a doctoral candidate, won the ReSIG scholarship to attend our ReSIG-supported one-day workshop 'Doing Good Quality ELT Research' on 23 October in Malta. Aslı's research interests include teacher education, ICT and testing and assessment. She shares her reflections about teaching in her blog at and on Twitter (@aslilidice) |
'Teacher Researchers in Action' Conference, Gediz University, Izmir, Turkey, 2014
Obie Noe B. Madalang, an English instructor and language researcher at Mountain Province State Polytechnic College, a rural state college in the Philippines, is the winner of the ReSIG scholarship to attend the 'Teacher Researchers in Action' conference, organized in conjunction with Gediz University, Izmir, 25-26 June 2014. |
PCE-IATEFL Conference, Liverpool, U. K., 2013
Daniel Xerri, is a teacher of English at a post-16 college in Malta and a part-time PhD (Education) student at the University of York, won the main ReSIG scholarship to attend our Pre-Conference Event on 8 April 'Researching professional talk' at the 2013 IATEFL conference in Liverpool. |
PCE-IATEFL Conference, Liverpool, U. K., 2013
Nasy Inthisone Pfanner is a part-time teacher in a secondary grammar school in Vorarlberg, Austria, and a member of Teachers of English in Austria(TEA) was also awarded a ReSIG scholarship to attend our Pre-Conference Event on 8 April 'Researching professional talk' at the 2013 IATEFL Conference in Liverpool |
PCE-IATEFL Conference, Liverpool, U. K., 2013
Redouane Madaoui is an assistant professor at the faculty of Arts and Human Sciences, Agadir, Morocco, whose area of research is EFL reading pedagogy, also won a ReSIG scholarship to attend Pre-Conference Event on 8 April 'Researching professional talk' at the 2013 IATEFL Conference in Liverpool. |
´Doing Action Research in the Language Classroom´ workshop, Reading University, U. K., 2012
Divya Brochier is the co-ordinator of the EASE Program at the Ecole Centrale Paris and a doctoral candidate at the University of Exeter, UK, won our scholarship to attend Anne Burns's 3 November 2012 workshop in Reading University, Reading, England: Doing Action Research in the Language Classroom. |
´Introduction to Qualitative Research´ workshop, Graz, Austria, 2012
Kashmir Kaur is a Teaching Fellow at the The Language Centre, University of Leeds, won our scholarship to attend David Nunan's 12 May 2012 workshop in Graz, Austria: Introduction to Qualitative Research. |
PCE-IATEFL Conference, Glasgow, U. K., 2012
Tahar Asses, a full-time secondary school teacher in Skikda, Algeria, who is concurrently undertaking a Master's degree at ENS teacher training school in Constantine, Algeria, won the scholarship we offered to our 19 March 2012 Pre-conference event in Glasgow, Scotland, on 'How to combine teaching and researching: Focus on Learners and Classroom Language Learning'.
Tahar Asses, a full-time secondary school teacher in Skikda, Algeria, who is concurrently undertaking a Master's degree at ENS teacher training school in Constantine, Algeria, won the scholarship we offered to our 19 March 2012 Pre-conference event in Glasgow, Scotland, on 'How to combine teaching and researching: Focus on Learners and Classroom Language Learning'.
Questionnaire Design and Analysis' workshop, Coventry University, U. K., 2012
Jessica Mackay is a doctoral candidate at the University of Barcelona, Spain (where she also works full-time) won our first scholarship to a ReSIG event, Zoltan Dornyei's workshop on Questionnaire Design and Analysis on 10 February 2012. |
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