Oriana Onate
Having taught English as a foreign language in college for twenty years, a prevailing question has been why my students are not able to improve their English levels in spite of remedial help, plenty of available online resources and the need to learn a language which could enhance their professional expectations. My previous research has led me to motivation as one of the determining factors for my students' learning of English. I am now gathering data about what aspects have encouraged or discouraged my students in learning English prior to college. My poster will present the factors my students have reported in surveys as having contributed to their success or failure when learning English, together with an analysis of the results which might help in the development of more appropriate methodologies when planning future courses.
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Having taught English as a foreign language in college for twenty years, a prevailing question has been why my students are not able to improve their English levels in spite of remedial help, plenty of available online resources and the need to learn a language which could enhance their professional expectations. My previous research has led me to motivation as one of the determining factors for my students' learning of English. I am now gathering data about what aspects have encouraged or discouraged my students in learning English prior to college. My poster will present the factors my students have reported in surveys as having contributed to their success or failure when learning English, together with an analysis of the results which might help in the development of more appropriate methodologies when planning future courses.
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