Reflective tools for teacher development
March 19th 2018 at 2pm GMT Recording here
Steve Mann and Steve Walsh will lead a webinar on the topic of reflective practice. Featuring tools and ideas from their most recent publication (Mann and Walsh 2017), they offer a unique, data-led, evidence-based approach to reflective practice in English language teaching. The webinar will bring together theory, research, and practice in an accessible way to demonstrate what reflective practice looks like and how it is undertaken in a range of contexts. The webinar will be designed to engage both teachers and teacher-educators to consider the value and nature of eflective practice in their own settings. Through the use of data, dialogue, and appropriate tools, the presenters will show how reflective practice can be used as an on-going teaching tool that supports professional self-development.
Steve Mann (Associate Professor) currently works at the Centre for Applied Linguistics at University of Warwick. He previously lectured at both Aston University and University of Birmingham. He has teaching experience in Hong Kong, Japan and Europe in both English language teaching and teacher development. Steve supervisors a research group of PhD students who are investigating teacher's education and development.
Steve Walsh is Professor and Head of Applied Linguistics and Communication in the School of Education, Communication and Language Sciences, Newcastle University, UK. He has been involved in English Language Teaching and teacher education for more than 30 years in a range of overseas contexts. His research interests include classroom discourse, teacher development and second language teacher education.