ELT Research in Chile
RICELT (Red de Investigatores Chilenos en ELT [the Network of Chilean ELT Researchers]) was launched at the IATEFL Chile conference in Santiago in July 2014. Pictures here. RICELT's Facebook page is here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/443545925705506/ Its homepage is here:ricelt.cl/
The intial stages of formation of RICELT were supported by IATEFL Research SIG, which provided this web page in 2013 for a bibliography as the start-up activity.
The items originally posted here are retained below. But RICELT now hosts a more up-to-date bibliography itself.
The intial stages of formation of RICELT were supported by IATEFL Research SIG, which provided this web page in 2013 for a bibliography as the start-up activity.
The items originally posted here are retained below. But RICELT now hosts a more up-to-date bibliography itself.
Avalos, B. & Aylwin, P. 2007. How young teachers experience their professional work in Chile. Teaching and Teacher Education, 23(4), 515–528.
Díaz, C et al. (2011). Comparing Teaching Styles and Personality Types of EFL Instructors in the Public and Private Sectors. PROFILE, 13 (1), 111-127.
Díaz, C et al. (2012). The English Teacher: his beliefs about English language assessment at primary, secondary and tertiary levels. IKALA, Revista de lenguaje y cultura, 17 (1), 15-26.
Farias, M. (2005). "Critical language awareness in foreign language teaching."Lingüística y Literatura 16, 211-222.
Glas, K. (2008). English opens doors... but to what? Discourse analysis on English teaching in Chile, 2003-2006, Revista Educación y Pedagogía, Vol. XX, 51, 111-121
Jullian, P. (2002). Uncovering implicit information in original compounds. ELT Journal, 56 (4), 359-367.
King, P. (2007). Multidimentional analysis of spoken discourse in textbooks of English as a foreign language. Revista Signos, 40(63), 101-126.
Menard-Warwick, J. (2008). "The dad in the Che Guevara T-shirt: Narratives of Chilean English Teachers." Critical Inquiry in Language Studies 5:4, 243-264.
Menard-Warwick, J. (2011). Chilean English Teacher Identity and Popular Culture: Three Genera-tions. International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism 14(3): 261-277.
McKay, S. (2003). Teaching English as an international language: the chilean context. ELT Journal, 57, 139-148.
Ruecker, T. (2011). The potential of dual-language cross-cultural peer review. ELT Journal, 65 (4), 398-407.
Trajtemberg, C. & Yiakoumetti, A. (2011). Weblogs: a tool for EFL interaction, expression, and self-evaluation. ELT Journal, 65 (4), 437-445.
Glas, K. (2013). Teaching English in Chile, A Study of Teacher Perceptions of their professional identity, student motivation and pertinent Learning contents, Frankfurt: Peter Lang GmbH.
MA Dissertations
Inostroza, M.J. (2011). ‘Assessing Group Work Implementation and the Difficulties Faced by Chilean Teachers of English as a Foreign Language with Young Learners in Large Classes’. (Unpublished MA Dissertation, University of Sheffield)
Tabali, P (2012). Chilean Teachers of English as a Foreign Language: Teaching Speaking Skills to Young Learners in Large Classes. (Unpublished MA Dissertation, University of Sheffield)
Online resources
Farias, M (2000). "EFL teachers' perception of school reform." Paper presented at the 6th International of IATEFL-Chile, Santiago, Chile. http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:http://web.usach.cl/~mfarias/IATEFL2000.htm&strip=1 Last access: 28/08/2013
Rebolledo, P. (2012). 'Action research for professional development: an ideal or 'real' construct?' Presentation at the 2012 IATEFL conference, Glasgow. http://iatefl.britishcouncil.org/2012/sessions/2012-03-20/action-research-professional-development-ideal-or-real-construct Last access: 28/08/2013
Sepulveda, M.T. (2009). The Importance of Affect in Teaching and Course books for Young Learners in Chile. Humanising Language Teaching, 11. http://www.hltmag.co.uk/dec09/mart01.htm Last access: 28/08/2013
Vera, F. (2009) "El estado del arte de la profesión de profesor de ingles: Que ocurre en Chile? Revista Nodo Educativo de la Universidad Tecnológica Metropolitana de Chile. Marzo 2009. http://www.utemvirtual.cl/nodoeducativo/wp-content/uploads/2009/04/art_fvera_3.pdf Last access: 09/08/2013
Avalos, B. & Aylwin, P. 2007. How young teachers experience their professional work in Chile. Teaching and Teacher Education, 23(4), 515–528.
Díaz, C et al. (2011). Comparing Teaching Styles and Personality Types of EFL Instructors in the Public and Private Sectors. PROFILE, 13 (1), 111-127.
Díaz, C et al. (2012). The English Teacher: his beliefs about English language assessment at primary, secondary and tertiary levels. IKALA, Revista de lenguaje y cultura, 17 (1), 15-26.
Farias, M. (2005). "Critical language awareness in foreign language teaching."Lingüística y Literatura 16, 211-222.
Glas, K. (2008). English opens doors... but to what? Discourse analysis on English teaching in Chile, 2003-2006, Revista Educación y Pedagogía, Vol. XX, 51, 111-121
Jullian, P. (2002). Uncovering implicit information in original compounds. ELT Journal, 56 (4), 359-367.
King, P. (2007). Multidimentional analysis of spoken discourse in textbooks of English as a foreign language. Revista Signos, 40(63), 101-126.
Menard-Warwick, J. (2008). "The dad in the Che Guevara T-shirt: Narratives of Chilean English Teachers." Critical Inquiry in Language Studies 5:4, 243-264.
Menard-Warwick, J. (2011). Chilean English Teacher Identity and Popular Culture: Three Genera-tions. International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism 14(3): 261-277.
McKay, S. (2003). Teaching English as an international language: the chilean context. ELT Journal, 57, 139-148.
Ruecker, T. (2011). The potential of dual-language cross-cultural peer review. ELT Journal, 65 (4), 398-407.
Trajtemberg, C. & Yiakoumetti, A. (2011). Weblogs: a tool for EFL interaction, expression, and self-evaluation. ELT Journal, 65 (4), 437-445.
Glas, K. (2013). Teaching English in Chile, A Study of Teacher Perceptions of their professional identity, student motivation and pertinent Learning contents, Frankfurt: Peter Lang GmbH.
MA Dissertations
Inostroza, M.J. (2011). ‘Assessing Group Work Implementation and the Difficulties Faced by Chilean Teachers of English as a Foreign Language with Young Learners in Large Classes’. (Unpublished MA Dissertation, University of Sheffield)
Tabali, P (2012). Chilean Teachers of English as a Foreign Language: Teaching Speaking Skills to Young Learners in Large Classes. (Unpublished MA Dissertation, University of Sheffield)
Online resources
Farias, M (2000). "EFL teachers' perception of school reform." Paper presented at the 6th International of IATEFL-Chile, Santiago, Chile. http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:http://web.usach.cl/~mfarias/IATEFL2000.htm&strip=1 Last access: 28/08/2013
Rebolledo, P. (2012). 'Action research for professional development: an ideal or 'real' construct?' Presentation at the 2012 IATEFL conference, Glasgow. http://iatefl.britishcouncil.org/2012/sessions/2012-03-20/action-research-professional-development-ideal-or-real-construct Last access: 28/08/2013
Sepulveda, M.T. (2009). The Importance of Affect in Teaching and Course books for Young Learners in Chile. Humanising Language Teaching, 11. http://www.hltmag.co.uk/dec09/mart01.htm Last access: 28/08/2013
Vera, F. (2009) "El estado del arte de la profesión de profesor de ingles: Que ocurre en Chile? Revista Nodo Educativo de la Universidad Tecnológica Metropolitana de Chile. Marzo 2009. http://www.utemvirtual.cl/nodoeducativo/wp-content/uploads/2009/04/art_fvera_3.pdf Last access: 09/08/2013